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All Souls Night 魂灵夜
发布时间:2012/4/17  阅读次数:2165  字体大小: 【】 【】【

Bonfires dot the rolling hillside / 野火摇曳,山峦莽莽
Figures dance around and around / 轻舞漫步,音律惶惶
To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness / 鼓声联营,暗夜彻响
Moving to the pagan sound. /异邦胡骑,望而旋往
Somewhere in a hidden memory / 久之轶事,角落暗藏
Images float before my eyes / 恍如隔世,形影彷徨
Of fragrant nights of straw and of bonfires / 营火盛旺,五谷芬芳
And dancing till the next sunrise. / 歌舞升平,日出方降

CHORUS /(合唱)
I can see lights in the distance / 定睛远眺,遥有光照
Trembling in the dark cloak of night / 夜之帷幕,星火摇摇
Candles and lanterns are dancing, dancing /烛火荧荧,灯笼焯焯
A waltz on All Souls Night. / 纷飞乱舞,蔚然而笑
Figures of cornstalks bend in the shadows / 麦田如火,碧影暗藏
Held up tall as the flames leap high / 灵之所寄,人海茫茫。
The green knight holds the holly bush / 青衣夜骑,秉木徜徉
To mark where the old year passes by. /流年似水,事事不忘

CHORUS /(合唱)
I can see lights in the distance / 定睛远眺,遥有光照
Trembling in the dark cloak of night / 夜之帷幕,星火摇摇
Candles and lanterns are dancing, dancing /烛火荧荧,灯笼焯焯
A waltz on All Souls Night. / 纷飞乱舞,蔚然而笑
Bonfires dot the rolling hillside / 野火摇曳,山峦莽莽
Figures dance around and around / 轻舞漫步,音律惶惶
To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness / 鼓声联营,暗夜彻响。
Moving to the pagan sound. /异邦胡骑,望而旋往
Standing on the bridge that crosses / 不归之桥,立而高瞰
The river that goes out to the sea / 百川入海,前途万难
The wind is full of a thousand voices / 风之所泣,孤魂悲唳
They pass by the bridge and me. /穿原过野,无痕无迹

CHORUS /(合唱)
I can see lights in the distance / 定睛远眺,遥有光照
Trembling in the dark cloak of night / 夜之帷幕,星火摇摇
Candles and lanterns are dancing, dancing /烛火荧荧,灯笼焯焯
A waltz on All Souls Night. / 纷飞乱舞,蔚然而笑
I can see lights in the distance / 定睛远眺,遥有光照
Trembling in the dark cloak of night / 夜之帷幕,星火摇摇
Candles and lanterns are dancing, dancing /烛火荧荧,灯笼焯焯
A waltz on All Souls Night. / 纷飞乱舞,蔚然而笑

魂灵夜》是加拿大女歌手罗琳娜-麦肯妮特(Loreena McKennitt)的代表作品之一,充满了浓浓的凯尔特(Celtic)音乐元素,是一首描绘万圣夜、温暖亡灵的歌. All Souls Night是凯尔特人的节日,每年的10月30这天,灵魂们重返人间,一起舞蹈。人们燃起巨大的篝火,温暖逝去的灵魂,也庆祝新的一年。

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