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发布时间:2012/12/3  阅读次数:2323  字体大小: 【】 【】【


  Do you feel fulfilled?

  What does happiness mean to you? How do you define happiness?

  What's the best thing that happened on you in the last decade?



   A: Do you feel fulfilled?   你觉得幸福吗?

   B: I'm a happy lady. I'm 93 years old. I'm a very happy lady


   A: How do you define happiness? 你怎么定义快乐呢?

B: Contentment, pleasure, able to support myself, a friend. That's happiness


A: What was the happiest moment in your last decade?


B: There were a few. I have a family, and we went to birthday party, anniversary party. I like parties


   A: Any moments that were not that perfect? 有不那么完美的时候吗?

   B: Everybody has trouble in their lives. I don't know anybody who hasn't had any trouble in their lives... If you have more ups and   downs, you are a lucky person每个人的生活里都有麻烦,任何我认识的人生活里都有麻烦……如果你的人生有很多跌宕起伏,那你是个幸运的人。


   A: Do you feel fulfilled?   你觉得幸福吗?

B: Fulfilled for what? It depends on what you mean


   A: Like overall happiness?   比如总体上快乐?

B: Oh, yeah, you can't tell? I'm happy. I'm very happy


   A: How do you define happiness?   你怎么定义快乐?

   B: I define happiness as love, peace, freedom, I mean respect, justice, you know what I'm saying? ...Life is beautiful


   A: In the last few years, what's the happiest memories you had? What's the happiest moment?


   B: I have my child. That's really happy. All the young ones in my family, I have my child, my nieces, my nephews being born... because the new generation is something that we're proud of. And the happy thing is getting to know new people...it means everybody doesn't get alone that's happy. I think every day is a happy day for me. I mean even when you are down, you just think about it for a moment and let it go


   A: Have you had any bad times? 你经历过困难的时候吗?

   B: Of course. I think we all get bad times. We all go through ups and downs, we just get to live what it is like. That's part of life. So that's how I look at it. Everybody got their own point of views. we just got to understand in this life, you can't be too stress. Because when you are stressed, you get old. That's what get you older, do you know what I'm saying? So You just got to love, respect others. That's how I look at life, right or wrong




  1. Just feel comfortable and relax, like to feel comfortable, to feel ok, to feel happy about people around you. That's it. To have your friends next to you. That's very important, also. Just not to be alone. This is also very important

  2. When you have like butterflies in your stomach, and you feel like you can handle the world. Just like sitting here, relaxing, listening to the nice music

  3. Doing what you want to do, and sharing with others

  4. It's a good question. I guess it's a state where you're at peace with yourself

  5. Being immersed in something completely

  6. Freedom, in many many ways

  7. If you stay together with your family, you feel warm and happy in your heart, something like that www.6park.com


  My brother got married

  Our marriage

  It's hard to define a single one. I mean there are a lot of happy ones

  I feel every day when I get to have a moment with my inner self

  The birthday surprise from my family

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