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发布时间:2013/5/8  阅读次数:1972  字体大小: 【】 【】【

My mom is the most important person in my life. She has always been there for me. On Mother's day, I like to do something special for her. This article is full of great ideas, gifts and special things to do for your mother.


Mother's day is a special time. It is the day we get to spoil, pamper and lavish our mothers with all that we can come up with. They deserve it. Here are some things that you can do, for your mom.


1. Mother's day cards-There are many types of Mother's day cards. This year, my favorite is the chocolate mother's day card. I found one made of dark chocolate that is spectacular. Now, that is a sweet card!


Some cards make music, some have flowers and some look like paintings. Whatever you pick, make it special. Mom is worth it.


2.  Take mom out- Yes, mom will love a night out. Take her to dinner, a movie or for a nice lunch during the day. You could also take her shopping. Spending quality time with her is the key. Make it a special time to remember. If money is a problem, take her to your favorite park with a lunch packed and some chairs.


3. Give her a spa day-A trip to the spa makes a wonderful Mother's day gift. What better way to spend Mother's day? You should join her. You both will love it.


4. Gifts-You can make something for mom, on your own. It can be a photo album of pictures of grandchildren, you, her, anything. You can write a special note or a poem to tell her what she means to you. You can give her a gift certificate to her favorite store. You can buy her flowers. You can pick her some flowers and arrange them in a vase, to save money. Those make great gifts! You can make a bag of surprises to give your mom by buying all those favorite things she likes to use, from day to day. Place all the items in a pretty bag and you will make her day. These items can be the lotion she likes to use, the perfume that she loves or the cosmetics she wears. You can also buy pens, envelopes, stamps and note cards. A gift card to her favorite pharmacy is a great idea.


5.Take her to the beauty salon. What a great Mother's day gift that is. This will make her day.


6. Give a relative or friend that your mother has not heard from lately a call and tell them to surprise her with a call or letter.


7. Invite your mother to dinner or lunch at your home.


8.  Send a Mother's day cake. You can also bake one and take it to her, if she is close by.


9.   Make Mother's day her special day by putting everything on hold. Offer your services to her by taking her where she needs to go or by doing some things that she needs done. This can be as simple as changing her back porch light bulb or washing her dishes. Doing her laundry is a great idea, also.


10.  Give your mother a membership to a special club. This could be a senior discount club, a car towing membership, a social club or gym membership. You can also give her a magazine subscription. These type of gifts keep giving the entire year.



Mother's day is a day that I look forward to every year. I try to come up with something that I know my mother will love. It is a day to enjoy and celebrate all the things that mother's do. It is her day. Make her the queen and you will feel great. She will know that she is loved. That is what Mother's day is all about.


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