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发布时间:2014/9/12  阅读次数:2062  字体大小: 【】 【】【


每日学英语 1

【常见短信网聊缩写23】T-T或T.T=crying;T2M=talk to me;TBC=to be continued 未完待续;TBH=to be honest 坦白的说;TC=take care 保重;TDG=Too Damn Good 太棒了/太TM好了;TEE=T-shirt T恤;TG=Thank God;THANQ=thank you;THNX=THX=thanks;TM=Text Message 短信/Text Me 给我发短信

Don’t worry about what others doing better than you. Concentrate on beating your own records every day. Success is a battle between YOU and YOURSELF only


  每日学英语 2

【That’s开头表达】1.That’s very weird.太匪夷所思了。2.That’s ridiculous.这太荒唐了。3.That’s out of the question. 那根本不可能。4.That’s it! 啊,对啦! 5.That’s not it.不是那么回事。6.That’s too much! 太过分了!7.That can’t be!这怎么可能!8.That’s no business of mine.不关我的事|

You can wronged, you can cry, but do not let everyone see your vulnerability.


    每日学英语 3.

    每日学英语 4

【不同年龄段的人的英文叫法】baby / infant 婴儿(1-12个月);toddler 婴孩(1-3岁刚刚学步);preschooler 学龄前儿童(3-5岁);schoolchild 学童(5-10岁);preteen 青春期前儿童(11-12岁);teenager / teen 青少年(13-19岁);adult 成人 (满18岁),即man / woman 男人/女人(满18岁)

Don’t try to understand everything. Because sometimes it is not meant to be understood. But rather to be accepted.


  每日学英语 5

【用App学英语】给喜欢英语、翻译的朋友推荐个不错的App,叫“译客传说”。英语水平一般的,可在上面看些翻译牛人故事,学习英语、翻译技巧,记行业单词术语;英语水平还不错的,可在上面找些翻译的活儿干充实自己,还有500强等高大上的工作机会。推荐下载: http://t.cn/8sQzTWs

  每日学英语 6

The reason why people give up so fast is that they tend to look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have gotten.



  每日学英语 7

【各种形容beauty的词】Adorable 萌萌哒;Cute 可爱哒;Amazing 惊艳的;Attractive 有魅力的;Breathtaking 惊艳的;Elegant 优雅的;Exquisite 高雅的;Eye-Catching 夺人眼球的;Flawless 完美无瑕的;Good-Looking 好看的;Gorgeous 极美的;Hot 惹火的;Spectacular 华丽丽的;Stunning 绝色的



每日学英语 8

   【人体部位英文词汇】睫毛-eyelash;眉毛-eyebrow;头骨-skull;舌头-tongue;后颈-nape;手腕-wrist;肚子-belly;肚脐-belly button;胃-stomach;胸-chest;乳房-breast/boobs;胯-hip;腋下-underarm;腰-waist;拇指-thumb;脚趾-toe;肘-elbow;肠-intestine;脚踝-ankle;臀-butt/ass|

【表达去睡觉】1. Go to bed/sleep. 上床睡觉。 2. Off to bed. 上床去了。 3. Hit the sack/hay 上床睡觉去(俚语)。 4. Take a nap. 小憩一会儿。 5. Take a snooze 打个盹儿。 6. Catch some Zs 小睡一会儿。 7. It’s bedtime. 睡觉时间到了。 8. It’s time to say good night. 该道声晚安了

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【各种人际关系】 buddy 哥们儿;BFF(best friends forever)闺蜜;confidante 红颜知己;childhood sweetheart 青梅竹马;colleague 同事;intimate 至交、密友;sworn brother 结拜兄弟;partner 搭档;companion 同伴;comrade-in-arms 战友;bosom friend 知心朋友;friends with benefits 炮友

每日学英语 10

【有关生气词汇】angry 生气的;mad 生气的; annoyed 恼怒的;irritated 恼怒的;displeased 不快的; provoked 被激怒的;受到挑衅的;enraged 暴怒的;indignant 愤愤不平的;义愤的;exasperated 激怒的;恼火的;outraged 气愤的;piss off 生气;vexed 恼怒的;piqued 赌气的;sulky 不爽的

True happiness is of a retired nature, and an enemy to pomp and noise.



每日学英语 11

【各种“关系状态“】single 单身;engaged 订婚;married已婚;widowed丧偶;divorced 离婚; separated 分居;be living together 同居;spouse 伴侣;In a relationship有对象; It’s complicated说不清; In an open relationship有对象,但开放;In a civil union已婚同性恋

The most painful thing in life is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too.




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