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张潮《幽梦影》林语堂译 (人生篇)
发布时间:2014/12/19  阅读次数:2364  字体大小: 【】 【】【



人生——之一 情之一字,所以维持世界;才之一字,所以粉饰乾坤。 Passion holds up the bottom of the universe, and the poet gives it a new dress.

人生——之二 情必近于痴而始真,才必兼乎趣而始化。 Love is not true love without a form of madness. A literary artist must have zest in life to enter intonature's spirit.

人生——之三 律己宜带秋气,处世宜带春气。 One should discipline oneself in the spirit of autumn and live with others in the spirit of spring.

人生——之四 能闲世人之所忙者,方能忙世人之所闲。 Only those who take leisurely what the people of the world are busy about can be busy about what the people of the world take leisurely.

人生——之五 人莫乐于闲,非无所事事之谓也。闲则能读书,闲则能游名胜,闲则能交益友,闲则能饮酒,闲则能著书。天下之乐,孰大于是? Of all things one enjoys leisure most, not because one does nothing. Leisure confers upon one the freedom to read, to travel, to make friends, to drink, and to write. Where is there a greater pleasure than this?

人生——之六 妾美不如妻贤,钱多不如境顺。 I think it is better to have an understanding wife than a pretty concubine, and better to have peace of mind than wealth.

人生——之七 值太平世,生湖山郡,官长廉静,家道优裕,娶妻贤淑,生子聪慧,人生如此,可云全福。 The perfect life: to live in a world of peace in a lake district where the magistrate is good and honest, and to have an understanding wife and bright children.

人生——之八 有功夫读书,谓之福;有力量济人,谓之福;有学问著述,谓之福;无是非到耳,谓之福;有多闻直谅之友,谓之福。 Blessed are those who have time for reading, money to help others, the learning and ability to write, who are not bothered with gossip and disputes, and who have learned friends frank with advice.

人生——之九 不治生产,其后必致累人;专务交游,其后必致累己。 Those who despise money end up by sponging on their friends; those who mix freely with all sorts of people will eventually hurt themselves.

人生——之十 胸中小不平,可以酒消之;世间大不平,非剑不能消也。 A small injustice can be drowned by a cup of wine; a great injustice can be vanquished only by the sword.

人生——之十一 多情者必好色,而好色者未必尽属多情;红颜者必薄命,而薄命者未必尽属红颜;能诗者必好酒,而好酒者未必尽属能诗。 A great lover loves women, but one who loves women is not necessarily a great lover. A beautiful woman often has a tragic life, but not all those who have tragic lives are beautiful. A good poet can always drink, but being a great drinker does not make one a poet.

人生——之十二 有青山方有绿水,水惟借色于山;有美酒便有佳诗,诗亦乞灵于酒。 Drink by all means, but donot make drunken scenes; have women by all means, but donot destroy your health; work for money by all means, but donot let it blot out your conscience; get mad about something but donot go beyond reason.

人生——之十三 酒可好不可骂座,色可好不可伤生,财可好不可昧心,气可好不可越理。 Drink by all means, but donot make drunken scenes; have women by all means, but donot destroy your health; work for money by all means, but donot let it blot out your conscience; get mad about something but donot go beyond reason.

人生——之十四 天下无书则已,有则必当读;无酒则已,有则必当饮;无名山则已,有则必当游;无花月则已,有则必当赏玩;无才子佳人则已,有则必当爱慕怜惜;无才子佳人则已,有则必当爱慕怜惜。 If there were no books, then nothing need be said about it, but since there are books, they must be read; if there were no wine, then nothing need be said. But since there is, it must be drunk; since there are famous mountains, they must be visited; since there are flowers and the moon, they must be enjoyed; and since there are poets and beauties they must be loved and protected.

  人生——之十五 不得已而谀之者,宁以口,毋以笔;不可耐而骂人者,亦宁以口,毋以笔。 If one has to praise someone, rather do it by word of mouth than by pen; if there are persons that must be castigated, also do it by word of mouth rather than in writing.

人生——之十六 万事可忘,难忘者名心一段;千般易淡,未淡者美酒三杯。 One can forget everything except the thought of fame, and learn to be cool toward everything except three cups of wine.

人生——之十七 物之能感人者,在天莫如月,在乐莫如琴,在动物莫如鹃,在植物莫如柳。 Of all things in the universe, those that move men most deeply are the moon in heaven, the chin in music, the cuckoo among birds, and the willow among plant.

人生——之十八 阅《水浒传》,至鲁达打镇关西,武松打虎,因思人生必有一桩极快意事,方不枉在生一场。即不能有其事,亦须著得一种得意之书,庶几无憾耳。 When you read the Shuihu and come to the passage where Luta smashes Chenkuanshi or where Wusung kills the tiger with his bare hands, you feel good. A man must have such moments of supreme satisfaction in his life. Then he will not have lived in vain. If he cannot, he can hope to make up for it by writing a fine book.

人生——之十九 胸藏丘壑,城市不异山林;兴寄烟霞,阎浮有如蓬岛。梧桐为植物中清品,而形家独忌之甚,谓梧桐大如斗,主人往外走……俗言之不足据,类如此夫。 In possession of a lively imagination, one can live in the cities and feel like one is in the mountains, and following one's fancies with the clouds, one can convert the dark continent of the south into fairy isles. A great wrong has been committed on the plane tree by the necromancers who regard it as bringing bad luck, saying that when a plane tree grows in the yard, its owner will live abroad...Most superstitions are like that.

人生——之二十 有地上之山水,有画上之山水,有梦中之山水,有胸中之山水。地上者妙在邱壑深邃,画上 者妙在笔墨淋漓,梦中者妙在景象变幻,胸中者妙在位置自如。 There are hills and waters on the earth, in paintings, in dreams, and in one's imagination. The beauty of such hills and waters on the earth is in their grace and variety; that in paintings, richness of ink and freedom of the brush; that in dreams, their changefulness; and that in one's imagination, good composition.

  人生——之二十一 鳞虫中金鱼,羽虫中紫燕,可云物类神仙。正如东方曼倩避世金马门,人不得而害之。 Be a goldfish among the fish and a swallow among the birds. There are like Taoist fairies who go through life like the witty Tungfang Manching, safe from harm from those in power.

人生——之二十二 人须求可入诗,物须求可入画。 So live that your life may be like a poem. Arrange things so that they look like they are in a painting.

人生——之二十三 昔人云,若无花、月、美人,不愿生此世界。予益一语云,若无翰墨、棋、酒,不必定作人身。 An ancient writer said, “Life would not be worth living if there were no moon, no flowers, and no beautiful women.” I might add, “It might not be important to be born a man, if there were no pen and paper, and no chess and wine."

人生——之二十四 愿在木而为樗,愿在草而为蓍,愿在鸟而为鸥,愿在兽而为廌,愿在虫而为蝶,愿在鱼而为鲲。 That I might be the shy among the trees (which is never cut down because of its worthless timber), the shy among the grass (which can foretell events), the sea gull among the birds (which merges with the elements), the chih among animals (a kind of deer which attacks the guilty one), the butterfly among insects (which flits among flowers), and the kun among fish (which has the freedom of the ocean).

人生——之二十五 庄周梦为蝴蝶,庄周之幸也;蝴蝶梦为庄周,蝴蝶之不幸也。 It was fortunate of Chuangtse to dream of being a butterfly, but a misfortune for the butterfly to dream of being Chuangtse.

人生——之二十六 假使梦能自主,虽千里无难命驾,可不羡长房之缩地;死者可以晤对,可不需少君之招魂;五岳可以卧游,可不俟婚嫁之尽毕。 That one might control one's dreams! Then one could go anywhere one likes, conjure up the spirits of the past, and set out on a world trip without waiting for the sons and daughters to be married first.

人生——之二十七 少年须有老成之识见,老成人须有少年之襟怀。 Young people should have the wisdom of the old, and old people should have the heart of the young.

人生——之二十八 躬耕吾所不能,学灌园而已矣;樵薪吾所不能,学薙草而已矣。 I cannot hope to be a farmer, but will learn watering flowers; cannot hope to become a woodcutter, but will be contented with pulling out weeds.

人生——之二十九 高语山林者,辄不善谈市朝事、审若此则当并废《史》《汉》诸书而不读矣,盖诸书所载皆古之市朝也。 Recluse scholars often disdain to discuss affairs of the government. But history is full of affairs of the government. Should one stop reading history, too? They cannot have meant it.

人生——之三十 凡事不宜刻,若读书则不可不刻;凡事不宜贪,若买书则不可不贪;凡事不宜痴,若行善则不可不痴。 A man must not be fastidious about other things, but he must be about reading. He must not be greedy, except in buying books. He should not be a confirmed addict, except in the habit of doing good and helping others.

人生——之三十一 文名可以当科第,俭德可以当货材,清闲可以当寿考。 To enjoy literary fame can take the place of passing imperial examinations; to manage to live within one's means can take the place of wealth; to lead a life of leisure can well be the equivalent of a long life.

  人生——之三十二 涉猎虽曰无用,犹胜于不通古今;清高固然可嘉,莫流于不识时务。 Random reading and browsing are better than not being acquainted with books at all; it is all right to be detached, but not to be ignorant of the trend of the times.

  人生——之三十三 有山林隐逸之乐而不知享者,渔樵也,农圃也,缁黄也;有园亭姬妾之乐而不能享、不善享者,富商也,大僚也。 There are those who have the beauties of forests and hills before their eyes, but donot appreciate them—the   fishermen,   woodcutters,   peasants,   and   the   black   and   yellow [Buddhist   and   Taoist monks]--and others who have gardens, terraces and women, but often fail to enjoy them for lack of time or of culture--the rich merchants and high officials.

人生——之三十四 清宵独坐,邀月言愁;良夜孤眠,呼蛩语恨。 To sit alone at night and invite the moon to tell it one's sorrows; to sleep alone at night and call to the crickets and pour out one's regrets.

  人生——之三十五 官声采于舆论,豪右之口与寒乞之口俱不得其真;花案定于成心,艳媚之评与寝陋之评概恐失其实。 An official's reputation comes from public opinion, but that of his close associates and of beggars of office should be discounted. The reputation of women should come from real knowledge; the views of fans and superficial critics cannot be trusted.

  人生——之三十六 多情者不以生死易心,好饮者不以寒暑改量,喜读书者不以忙闲作辍。 A true lover does not change with the years; a good drinker does not change with the seasons; a lover of books does not stop reading because of business.

人生——之三十七 立品须发乎宋人之道学,涉世须参以晋代之风流。 Build one's character on the foundation of the moral teachings of the Sung Neo-Confucianists [twelfth century]; but go through life in the spirit of the Chin romanticists [third and fourth centuries].

  人生——之三十八 豪杰易于圣贤,文人多于才子。 It is easier to be a hero than a sage, and easier to be a writer than a real genius.

人生——之三十九 风流自赏,只容花鸟趋陪;真率谁知,合受烟霞供养。 In self-contentment, a brilliant man takes his ease with birds and flowers; careless of popular fame, he regards himself as being served by the hilltop clouds.

人生——之四十 痛可忍而痒不可忍;苦可耐而酸不可耐。 It is easier to stand pain than to stand an itch; bitter taste is easier to bear than sour.

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