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发布时间:2017/5/16  阅读次数:2685  字体大小: 【】 【】【
5月14-15日,“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛( the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation)将在北京举行。这次论坛是习近平主席2013年提出“一带一路”重大合作倡议以来,中方就此召开的规格最高的国际会议,得到了国际社会的广泛支持。




Up to now, 29 heads of state and government and three leaders of major international organizations, including the secretary-general of the United Nations, will attend the Leaders Roundtable and other activities. Around 1,500 guests from over 130 countries will attend the forum as official representatives, and over 4,000 journalists around the world have registered to cover this forum, all of which are unprecedented.


The forum will provide various activities, including the  Opening Session, Leaders Roundtable and High-level Dialogue. On the morning of May 14, President Xi Jinping will attend the Opening Session and deliver a keynote speech. After that, there will be the high-level plenary. On the afternoon of May 14, there will be six thematic sessions on  five types ofconnectivity and think tank exchanges. On May 15, President Xi will preside over the roundtable, which includes two sessions and a working lunch. After that, President Xi will meet the press to talk about the major outcomes of the forum.


Moreover,  China and participants to the roundtable will issue a joint communique, which will reflect their consensus on building the Belt and Road. During the forum, participants will synergize development strategies and work for a series of cooperation outcomes. A number of cooperation documents will be signed at that time.



In addition to the Leaders Roundtable, there will also be a High-Level Dialogue and six parallel panel discussions on the  connectivity of policy, infrastructure, trade, finance and people.



The Belt and Road is China's initiative, but it belongs to the world. The idea came from China, but the benefits will flow to all countries.  In the over three years since President Xi announced the initiative, the idea has caught on and cooperation has flourished. It has become the most popular public good and the international cooperation platform with the brightest prospects. The Belt and Road Initiative has been so successful because it meets the partner countries' urgent desire for more mutually beneficial cooperation and follows the open and inclusive principle of  planning together, building together and benefiting together. With protectionism and unilateralism on the rise, the Belt and Road Initiative is a common cause where the participating countries  roll up their sleeves and pitch in together. The initiative will help to rebalance economic globalization and make it more inclusive and equitable. It also represents an important attempt at  building a community of shared future for all humankind.


We hope the forum will accomplish three things. First, review and build consensus, enhance the complementarity of countries' development strategies and set the goal of combining their strengths and achieving common prosperity. Second, examine key areas of cooperation and identify a number of major projects concerning physical connectivity, trade and investment, financial support and people-to-people exchange. Third, announce medium- to long-term initiatives, explore the establishment of an effective cooperation mechanism and build a closer and result-oriented network of partnerships.



In September 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed  a Silk Road Economic Belt  and in October,  a 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, together now referred to as the Belt and Road Initiative. The initiative attracted considerable attention from the international community and won a positive response from the countries involved. It integrates the historical symbolism of the ancient Silk Road with the new requirements of today. The initiative is a Chinese program whose goal is to maintain an open world economic system, and achieve diversified, independent, balanced, and sustainable development, and also a Chinese proposal intended to advance regional cooperation, strengthen communications between civilizations, and safeguard world peace and stability. It showcases the fact that China, as the largest developing country and the world’s second largest economy, shoulders its wider responsibilities in promoting international economic governance toward a fair, just and rational system.




一、在对外公文中,统一将“丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路”的英文全称译为“the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road”,“一带一路”简称译为“the Belt and Road”,英文缩写用“B&R”。


二、“倡议”一词译为“initiative”,且使用单数。不使用“strategy”、 “project”、 “program”、“agenda”等措辞。


三、考虑到“一带一路”倡议一词出现频率较高,在非正式场合,除首次出现时使用英文全称译文外,其简称译法可视情况灵活处理,除可使用“the Belt and Road Initiative”外,也可视情况使用“the land and maritime Silk Road initiative”。其他译法不建议使用。


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