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发布时间:2011/2/15  阅读次数:2393  字体大小: 【】 【】【

         My life suffered a lot in a summer five years ago. My father died of an accident resulted from drinking, leaving my emaciated mother and two younger brothers alone. At that time,I was in a senior high school. After my father’s funeral, the whole family was in a worse condition than ever. As the eldest son, I had no choice but to quit school and work in a factory.
  Life went on without any wonder. I dare not to ask for more, just hoping to bring up two younger brothers. However, that’s not an easy thing, for I can’t afford their tuition even if I work from day to night without stopping, and much worse, I must take my sick mother into account. The present misery made me want to have another try, but it seems impractical, for I can’t lose this job any more.
  A thread of hope sparkled in those gloomy days suddenly. It was a rainy dusk when I put myself in the rain and walked in the street.
  Suddenly the rain stopped! To my bewilderment, I raised my head, and found that “the sky” was in fact a dark blue umbrella. Then I heard a deep voice.“Why not running without an umbrella?” a middle-aged man with one leg on crutch said to me, “If you run, you would get less drenched.” I shook my head,but after a second I thought: Right, why not running without an umbrella? His words shocked me deeply. Without my father’s protection,could I only be a slave to the fate,and my dream in childhood only an illusion?
  While walking together in the rain, I knew that he was a promoter from the city, and he received an order and paid much time on it. Facing this guy, I had no sympathy but admiration. I took the umbrella from his right hand and he told me that he once had dreamed of being a policeman, but an accident ruined his dream. Though his present work was demanding and did not suit for his leg, every outing was a wonderful start to him. He was glad that he didin’t lose heart and still “ran” on the road of life…
  It seems that everything is destined but not always. Enlightened by the man’s remarks, I went to a city in the south and became an assurance representative. After two years’ “running”, I got somewhere and my family turned better gradually. I came back to my senior high school for the dream in my childhood. The year before last summer, I eventually succeeded in my entrance to university.
  Life is like this: when you are in rainy days in your life, if you could’t find a way to prevent you from being drenched earlier, you would have been overwhelmed by it, but if you decided to get rid of it , you ’ll discover that the rainy days last not so long as you imagined.
  Everything is so simple: to run without an umbrella! When you run out of the rainy season of your life, there will be bright sky ahead of you.



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